“You don’t need 50 million people to love you. You need 5 million people fucking pissed. Emotion sells. Anger sells. You have fans. I have soldiers.” — Stormfront, The BoysThere’s a mountain of marketing wisdom in that quote right there. Especially when it comes to email. It comes from a show called The Boys, and

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Strange as it sounds… Your childhood experiences can play a huge role in the persuasive power of the sales copy you write today. Sometimes for better, but often, for worse… And no, I’m not talking about how well you aced (or flunked) English class. Let me explain what I mean with a different kind of

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Got a quick story for you today that’ll provide you with an (almost) endless well of email ideas. Check it: During the covid lockdowns, I picked up lockpicking as a hobby. Not for any nefarious means. Just for fun… So I visited my local locksmiths to pick up some padlocks to practice on… And boy,

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