February 17, 2016

Direct-response copywriting

Written by Kenneth Turnbull – February 17th, 2016

Yes, it’s true.

A few years back, I got bitten by a deadly bug…

And just like Peter Parker got his spider powers after being bitten by a radio-active spider, I too was starting to develop some super powers of my own.

Super powers of the copywriting variety.But it wasn’t a bug in the physical sense — it was more of a psychological bug.And what brought out this deadly bug? It was none other than the Boron Letters by Gary Halbert.

This was the first ever book I read on copywriting. I read it cover to cover and from that moment on I was hooked.

The Boron Letters is a series of letters that the late great copywriter, Gary Halbert, wrote to his son Bond when he was serving time in prison (from what I can gather, he was wrongly accused or fraud but I’m not too sure on the details…)

In the letters Gary writes to his son, he shares a lot of wisdom from how to get good at writing copy when your just starting out, to choosing the right mailing lists to use, and he even gives some diet and exercise advice.When I was reading that book, I really did get bit by the copywriting bug.

And I’m glad I did do as copywriting is such an enjoyable, and not to mention lucrative, skill to learn.

If you want to get bitten by the copywriting bug and develop some copywriting super powers of your own, or if you just want to read some of the brilliant advice copywriting genius Gary Halbert taught his son, you can pick up a copy of the boron letters at the link below.


Have a great day,
Kenneth Turnbull